Ancol, Jakarta Bay City (source: vacationbaliindonesia)

Ancol is a coastal lowland area located north of Jakarta, Indonesia. This area stretches from the Old City of Jakarta to the west and Tanjung Priok to the east. There is a famous tourist destination in this location, which is Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol Dreamland). This tourist area is an integral part of Ancol Bay City. As a tourist region, you can find many hotels near Ancol Jakarta and surrounding areas. We have summarized some of them below.

Hotels near Ancol Jakarta

These hotels are among the most popular places to stay for travelers visiting Ancol Jakarta. Prices may vary depending on the date selected. Use our hotel search page to set dates and browse other options.

Hotels within Taman Impian Jaya Ancol area are:

Still in the Ancol area, but located outside Taman Impian Jaya Ancol there are hundreds of other hotels that could be your choice for a place to stay. Some of them are:

Or maybe you are interested to stay at backpacker hotel or capsule hotels near Ancol Jakarta, such as:

A little information about Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. This recreational park was opened in 1966 and is currently the largest integrated tourist area in Indonesia with an international championship golf course, amusement park, hotel and other recreational facilities.

There are many attractions in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol that you can enjoy, such as:

  • Fantasy World (Dunia Fantasi or “Dufan” for short)
  • Atlantis Water Adventure
  • Ocean Dream Samudra
  • Sea World Jakarta
  • Beaches and Park
  • Art Market
  • Ocean Eco Park
  • Sky Train (Gondola)

In total there are 27 venues at Fantasy World, 8 pools at Atlantis Water Adventure and 8 shows at Ocean Dream Samudra.

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