Landmark Statue of Gandrung Banyuwangi Dancer seen from Watu Dodol Hill (Ira Rachmawati / / Banyuwangi)

Watu Dodol is a popular tourist destination located in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. The name Watu Dodol refers to a large rock that is 6 meters tall and located between two main roads. The area is about 5 kilometers from Ketapang Harbor.

Watu Dodol is a unique black coral rock that is very hard and has a unique shape, with the top being larger than the bottom. On the southern side, there is a moringa tree that adds to the uniqueness of the rock. The area was once considered spooky, but now it is a beautiful tourist spot with a garden as a green corridor.

The beach area of Watu Dodol is the gateway to Banyuwangi from Situbondo district. It is located in Bangsring Village, Wonosari District, Banyuwangi, East Java. The beach is surrounded by hills and forests and is quite shady due to the many trees that grow there. The beach is equipped with a large parking area, food stalls that serve typical Banyuwangi cuisine, shops that sell daily necessities and mobile phones, bathrooms for tourists who play on the beach, and rental boats for fishermen to go out to sea.

In addition to the beach, there are several other attractions in the area, such as the freshwater well, which is believed to cure various diseases. There is also a Japanese cave that was used as a defense fortress during World War II and was used to monitor every ship that crossed the Bali Strait. The cave connects the cave door from the hillside to the door at the top.

There is also a pair of graves on the top of the hill located right behind Watu Dodol beach (the west side of Watu Dodol). The graves are venerated by various groups, including local residents and people from outside Banyuwangi.

Due to its proximity to Ketapang Port, Watu Dodol is often used as a resting location for those who want to go to or from the island of Bali.

Hotels near Watu Dodol

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